If I was to see a movie that was dubbed entirely in Spanish, it was good that I saw one where the main protagonist had a vocabulary only slightly larger than mine; that is, one that included the word Directivo but not much more. Down here, they held off on the release of WALL-E until their independence day (July 9). I have to repeat the title of this post, it was the cutest and probably best movie I’ve seen in a long while. An adorable love story with adorable characters - it had to be though, as it was stuffing warning after warning down the viewer’s throat through allegory. Don’t get me wrong; it was refreshing to see something enter the mainstream media offering warnings against the current path America has taken. Warning against consumerism, complacency and apathy, corporate interests overshadowing individual, or even government interests, even against being so wired in that you don’t even notice your real life around you.
The problem is, I think people either missed them entirely or if they saw them, got turned off by sheer volume. I certainly appreciated the allusion to 2001, and HAL in the glowing red eye of the autopilot. Just remember, artificial intelligence wasn’t the antagonizing force in the plot, it was the blind following of the directives of a Corporatocracy and the apathy of the obese and complacent consumers (read: Americans), allowing machines to run their world. I have to hand it to my buddy Roy for jumping on the bandwagon before everyone else. With a college degree and such, I’m sure he’ll have plenty of stock in B&L before it takes over the world.
Best part of the movie though was Apple’s subtle product placement. I went home and immediately turned my laptop off, just so I could turn it back on. From now on, every time I hear that sound I’ll smile.
Beastie Boy
2 days ago
I have yet to see Wall-E but its made by Pixar so I know that it's going to be good. I'll be sure to look for those allegories that you mentioned. :)
Believe me, you won't have to look.
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