Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Nation of Whiners.

A little over a month ago, one of McCain's advisors got in trouble for calling America a "nation of whiners." Granted it seems that the economists that work for McCain don't actually know anything, this fellow may have been right, but for the wrong reasons.

It seems there are plenty of Americans who are spoiled, sore losers with no concept of politics, or the consequences of their actions. I'm speaking of a small subset of the democratic party, adorably labeled as Hillaryland. I'm not speaking about Senator Clinton, or her staff, to which the name referred some time ago, but rather her disillusioned (and deluded) supporters who will not let go, will not concede that they lost and that there is no second place in American Politics. This statement goes for presidential primaries as well as general elections, and that is why they need to suck it up;  electing a democrat is more important than any individual agenda. 

Last night was the first time I wasn't put off by Senator Clinton in a while. She said all the right things.

Most importantly: "We are on the same team, and none of us can afford to sit on the sidelines. This is a fight for the future, and it's a fight we must win together."

However there are plenty of people out there who seem to disagree and it kills me that people think like that. I don't know how many of those "die-hard" Hillary supporters even know what her political positions (vs. McCain's ) are but saying they're going to vote for McCain instead of Obama? Why? Because they're hurt she didn't win? Because of all the hard work and effort and emotional toil they went through that didn't pan out? I'm sorry, that's the nature of political campaigns; if your candidate loses, the staff closes up shop and goes home to lick their wounds. When the general election comes around I hope these people figure it out. A future as a nation of whiners looks rather dangerous, xenophobic and bleak.

1 comment:

EliRivers said...

So first off, I think you're right-on that these women are being pretty ridiculous in supporting McCain instead of Obama, just because he beat out their "traveling pants suit" demi-goddess (seriously, McCain on women's' rights? is there a bigger scarier joke?). However, did you happen to catch Michelle's speech on Monday night? How she's a MOTHER and a DAUGHTER and a SISTER and a WIFE? Not, say, a PERSON? I'm not denying that these are facets of who she is, but she is also an amazingly strong, smart, and ambitious WOMAN, which didn't even factor into her heart rendering pandering. The die hard battle axes of the pants suits are generally so wound up around the Hillary mantra because they are such staunch feminists (and please, let's not tack on the angry bull dike stigma that is generally associated with the term), and instead of a female president, they've ended up with WIFE and a MOTHER and a DAUGHTER and a SISTER who emphasizes every aspect of her femininity besides her humanity and innate personality sitting on the sidelines of that whole running the nation thing.

(btw, you keep me so entertained at work)