It seems that Senator McCain is continuing with his line of attacks that Senator Obama is a socialist. The Joe the Plumber fad is fading and the McCain camp is coiling back up, slithering through the neoconservative base and searching for anything that sits in line with their message to throw at his opponent. I could deal with Obama being an Elitist, a Muslim, a Sex Peddler, a Terrorist... but throwing around the term Socialist is bothersome.
It just brings out the feeling that the Neoconservatives that rule the right really do wish for the 1940's and '50s to return and remain in perpetuity. Think about it.
With Palin stumping about The Real America being the average the idealized Small Town America, something straight out of Maybury. Not to mention the fact that we have people lobbying to suppress the civil rights of a significant minority of the country, and trying to legislate christian values into our constitution.
Take a look into the Project for a New American Century (wikipedia)- the Neoconservative think tank that dreamt of World Dominance of the U.S. as an unchecked superpower. We've had our second Pearl Harbor in 9/11 - in "Global Terror" we have a new menace on the equal of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. With the Patriot Act, we have the beginnings of a new McCarthyism, and now in the race to succeed the administration that put all of this into effect, we have one candidate calling the other a Socialist, hoping the word holds enough of its former power to stir enough fear in the voting masses.
This is not progress, but regression to an era where the citizens of the U.S. lived in fear daily. The Cold War is over, it's time to move on.
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