Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's everywhere. Listen. Listen. Here come the drums... here come... the drums...

So every so often, we've awoken in the morning to another demonstration marching from the Casa Rosada, down Avenida de Mayo to the Congresso. We're lucky enough to live on the street that connects the executive and legislative branches of Argentina. Today however, was the march to end all marches. Avenida Nueve de Julio, the biggest street in the city was closed, clogged with tour busses that brought in demonstrators from all over the country. Tomorrow the senate is voting on a bill that would tax the brains out of farmers and their increasingly profitable crops of soy, which are bringing a ton of wealth (relatively) into the country. The leftist Peronista dominated government is planning on reallocating the wealth through a variety of social programs. 

All month the farmers have been marching in protest, and today they are holding a Rally on plaza Italia. The government has sponsored a rally of its own and it seems like half the population of the country has come to the city to participate in one or the other. Hopefully I can grab some pictures or a video or two an put them up here. It's amazing how intense people feel about the issue, and how involved everyone is. It's down to something like a 50.5 percent majority of the Peronists in the senate vote tomorrow and the demonstrations are supposedly going to determine how some of los senadores will vote.

By the way the title of the post is from a particular episode of Dr. Who, chosen specifically because some of the drummers were beating out the same cadence that motivates the Master. Creepy.

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