Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tango skillz: I has them

Well, that may be an exaggeration. I did however spend two hours dancing today, in an antiquated building that seemed to be a shrine to Carlos Gardel. Four of use decided to go try and learn while the majority of the group went out for Mexican food. According to my experiences, burritos get less and less tasty the further you get from Mexico. Maybe that only works going North, but I wouldn’t count on that. I plan on waiting til I’m at least in California again.

Lets see… oh yeah! Tango. It’s awesome, the music is amazing, and the dancing is even more fun than just listening. The steps are simple enough, the hard part is leading. She gets to do all the fancy stuff, all you have to do is worry about getting her to do what you’re hoping you can pull off – that and not sending her home with broken toes. I’m pretty sure I need pointier shoes like the fancy old folks have, mine can only be described as “clompy.” After spending the evening dancing with Rae, and trading off with Daniela a few times to make sure I was doing things correctly, I got paired with my old room-mate, Derek. He had spent some time learning the ladies’ part (while I spent time teaching Daniela the guys’ part) so I got to be re-united with my Panda Bear again.

Hmm… maybe I better explain that. Derek is quiet and indecisive, the type of fellow who upon meeting, forces you to question how he ever survived his freshman year away from home. He’s a wonderful guy and we became fast friends, but it seemed I had to take care of him at almost every turn because he didn’t know how to fend for himself. He’s the youngest of his siblings and I’m the oldest of mine, so it worked out to big-brother him a bit. The first week or so, I did everything I could to get him to a place where he could figure things out on his own, and he’s getting there. Due to some drama in another room, he had to change places with my new roomie, Joel. Anyway due to his quiet, contemplative and gentle nature, we all agreed he reminded of us of a Panda somehow, that and he’s just plain adorable.

The videos are up on my last two posts, finally. Music abounds.

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