Thursday, August 21, 2008

That's Rich.

So, I had a conversation with my neighbors a couple of days ago about the Saddleback Deal where both candidates fought for the vote of the faithful by answering questions in identical interviews with a reverend, in a church. Now, I didn't watch it as I don't think it's appropriate to have something equivalent to a national forum for both campaigns to be held in a church, but I was alerted to that fact the Sen. McCain ephed up when asked to define 'Rich.' After a bunch of bull about defining the term with happiness and comfort, he flippantly defined an annual income for the rich as: "How about 5 million." Then laughed that his comment might get distorted. My question is how?

I'm sorry, that's not funny.

Funny thing is, he screwed up again. Talking about mortgages and the economy, someone had the balls to ask the man how many houses he owned, and HE COULDN'T RECALL.

This of course is in contrast to Obama's answer to the same question:

I've been reading a lot of commentary that the Obama campaign needed to go on the offensive and run a few attack ads, as McCain is, and in doing so, is in control of Obama's image.

The idea that Democrats attack issues while Republicans attack character is absurd, though it may be true. I'm just happy to see something out there that finally pushes back after all the flak flying around about Mr. Obama:

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Wow McCain is a dumbass: "I want everyone to be rich." Does he not understand that wealth is a relative thing? If everyone had $10 million right now, $10 million wouldn't be worth shit. Either he doesn't understand that (in which case he is too ignorant to be president), or he thinks that the American people don't understand that and he's lying to them to get their vote. So, which is it? Stupid, or conniving?